Unlimited Customer Service with Genesys and Aivo

Solve your clients' most complex queries instantly. Complement Genesys Engage and Genesys Cloud with AgentBot, Aivo's Conversational AI platform, combining the best of automated and human care. Learn more at the Genesys AppFoundry.

Problem-solving conversational journeys with Aivo + Genesys

A combination that provides decisive and effective experiences

With Aivo automate 90% of queries and resolve instantly.
With Genesys increase agent productivity by 25%.*

* Source: Genesys

Natural conversations

Automate the resolution of queries in your digital channels and remove friction points in customer service, always maintaining natural, open and unstructured conversations.

Meet Agentbot

Empowered agents like never before

Transfer the session to a Genesys agent at any time during the conversation and attend to the most complex queries from your clients. The agent can access the customer's history, analyze the case, exchange files, keep the conversation open in asynchronous channels and optimize wait time.

Instant solutions

It offers more than just answers. Connect AgentBot to other platforms you use and provide effective solutions to all kinds of queries 24/7.

Meet Studio

Constant evolution and user friendly

Evaluate feedback from interactions, analyze the number of conversations transferred, and learn from unresolved queries. Add new content quickly and post on the fly.

They choose to offer tours decisive and efficient with Genesys and Aivo

Read more stories

Thanks to the integration between Aivo and Genesys, conversations with Avi24 -Banco Bolivariano's virtual assistant- can be quickly transferred to a human agent without changing the chat window or channel. Agents have the customer's complete conversation history. Today, Avi24 has a human transfer rate of only 3%. That means that the virtual assistant can handle 97% of the queries.

With the integration between Aivo and Genesys, conversations with the bot can be automatically transferred to a human agent within the same chat window.

“Of all those who contact Marisol, only 14% need to be transferred to a consultant . The rest get an effective solution on the same channel and in the same session, which is a sign of success for us", explains Damián Cruz.

Gracias a la integración entre el Aivo y Genesys, las conversaciones con Avi24 -el asistente virtual de Banco Bolivariano- pueden derivarse rápidamente a un agente humano sin cambiar la ventana de chat ni el canal. Los agentes cuentan con el historial completo de conversaciones del cliente. Hoy en día, Avi24 tiene una tasa de transferencia humana de sólo el 3%. Eso significa que el asistente virtual puede atender el 97% de las consultas.

Con la integración entre Aivo y Genesys, las conversaciones con el bot pueden transferirse automáticamente a un agente humano dentro de la misma ventana de chat.

“De todos los que se ponen en contacto con Marisol, sólo el 14% necesita ser transferido a un consultor. El resto obtiene una solución eficaz en el mismo canal y en la misma sesión, lo que es una señal de éxito para nosotros", explica Damián Cruz.

Graças à integração entre Aivo e Genesys, as conversas com Avi24 -assistente virtual do Banco Bolivariano- podem ser transferidas rapidamente para um agente humano sem mudar a janela de chat ou o canal. Os agentes têm o histórico completo de conversas do cliente. Hoje, o Avi24 tem uma taxa de transferência humana de apenas 3%. Isso significa que o assistente virtual pode atender 97% das consultas.

Com a integração entre Aivo e Genesys, as conversas com o bot podem ser transferidas automaticamente para um agente humano dentro da mesma janela de chat.

“De todos os que entram em contato com a Marisol, apenas 14% precisam ser transferidos para um consultor. Os restantes obtêm uma solução eficaz no mesmo canal e na mesma sessão, o que para nós é um sinal de sucesso”, explica Damián Cruz.

Are you a Genesys customer and want to provide automated and conversational service?

Contact us and our team will contact you shortly to discuss how you can use Aivo Suite in your business.

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